Deliver a best-in-class shopping experience
Create a dynamic and visually engaging shopping experience to drive product discovery, build credibility, and shorten the path to purchase.

Mobile-first & fluid UI
Shoppable galleries scale gracefully from mobile devices to large screens, displaying the content in the way that best suits the device and browser in use.

Enhanced video support
Our galleries support video views and video interaction to create an enjoyable navigation experience (autoplay, controllers to play & pause, sound on/off).

Enhanced customization
Customize your gallery style and design to achieve a cohesive design integration with your site.

Better site performance
Our galleries are intelligently loaded to reduce initial page weight, system resource usage and page loading time.
Turn social content into commerce
Showcase UGC dynamically across your ecommerce to give shoppers inspirational content at every stage of their journey.
Build galleries fast and easy
Seamlessly manage gallery creation, editing and publishing from a single platform.